About us

100+ retailers trust their daily operations to Frogmi®.

Frogmi® is a software and mobile application that aligns stores with company strategy. It helps manage, communicate and execute store processes, optimizing the operation, increasing team productivity and improving results.

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Testimonials from some customers that improved their retail store operations with Frogmi

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“With Frogmi, I have the visibility I need regarding the state of stores and teams. I also have control over the field teams with critical and efficient indicators to work on continuous improvement processes.”

Sebastian Albers Corporate Development Manager – Starbucks.
(International chain of coffee shops and coffee stores)

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“Since 2018, Frogmi has supported us in consistently improving KPIs over the years. With Frogmi, we have transformed qualitative impressions into quantitative data and information. Now we have data at every stage of the processes and KPIs that give us visibility into the operation.”.

José Ramón Sánchez Operations Manager – La Polar.
(Leading retailer in Chile)

Ilustración soluciones visibilidad

“With Frogmi, I have the visibility I need regarding the state of stores and teams. I also have control over the field teams with critical and efficient indicators to work on continuous improvement processes.”

Sebastian Albers Corporate Development Manager – Starbucks.
(International chain of coffee shops and coffee stores)

Ilustración soluciones visibilidad

“The alliance between Americar and Frogmi as a technology partner is part of our path towards digital transformation as a group, allowing us to streamline processes, improve the use of information for analytics, and have efficient communication channels with our client at the center of all our activities. “

Max Huambachano Corporate Operations Manager – Americar.
(Automotive group in Chile & Peru)

How we work?

Our Customer Success team works with each customer through a consultative process to implement solutions that are consistent with their business needs reality, making the most of using Frogmi.

Ilustración soluciones visibilidad

“The Frogmi® Customer Success team’s service is incomparable. We have done great teamwork to implement the projects on time.”

Ricardo Ramírez Field, Process Simplification and Partner Manager – 7 Eleven
(International chain of convenience stores)

Our Customer Journey:

The road to operational excellence

Our Customer Journey

Request a Demo with Frogmi team

Don’t miss out! Request a demo of ShelfManager today. See firsthand how our solution can transform your store management and drive better results.

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